Rainbow from a Mountaintop

Rainbow from a Mountaintop

Taken at Castle in the Clouds in Moultonborough New Hampshire.

About Stacy Davis

I am a 44 yr married (3rd marriage) mother of a 22 year old daughter (from second marriage). I enjoy photography, specifically editing of photographs. I love to take a shot where perhaps hundreds of other people have stood and took the same or very similar photo and make it uniquely mine. Sometimes that difference is subtle and sometimes it's so dramatic that you wouldn't even know what the original shot was. I enjoy reading. I'm not ashamed to say I enjoy fictional books about vampires, werewolves and any other supernatural sort. I also enjoy reading all kinds of self help books. If I could put into action even a third of all the help I've read, I'd be a damn near perfect human being. But I'm not even close. I still search for a purpose and contentment. Besides reading and photo editing I enjoy sarcasm and complaining..a lot. I try to be helpful to people when I'm not busy being selfish. I am a big believer in telling the truth always. Not sure when that happened since I used to lie so much I would believe my own lies. I read somewhere (I'm sure it was in one of those self help books) that honesty is the highest form of love. Not sure if that's true or not but in my world it is. I am not subtle at all and just call it as I see it. I'm relatively quiet unless I have something to say (not into small talk) or I am completely pissed off. I try hard to be good and grateful but usually just come across as bitchy. Well, that's all the "about me" I'm going to share since I don't even know all about me. Maybe I will figure out more in this blog.
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